International Police Association (Hong Kong Section)
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International Police Association (Hong Kong Section)
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Welcome Message
It is my honour to become the President of IPA Hong Kong Section after serving in the Executive Council for more than 25 years. I am also delighted to see many young and bright officers have joined my team in the Executive Council. With such new vigour, imagination and support, I am confident that IPA Hong Kong shall progress well in future.
Hong Kong President
Jack Tam
The Winner of the IPA Video Competition 2013
International Police Association (IPA) is the largest police organizations in the world with more 350,000 members from 69 countries / regions. It was established by Mr. Arthur Troop, a police sergeant of Lincoln, UK, in 1950. It is an independent body composed of members from police service, whether serving or retired.
IPA Hong Kong Section was formally established in June 1960 by Mr. LI Fuk-ki, a police inspector of Royal Hong Kong Police Force. As at January 2020, the Section has exceeded 1,650 membership toll from regular, auxiliary and retired police.
We have also received Foreign Associate Membership from Singapore, Malaysia and the Philippines police officers. We are also committed to promote IPA to other Asian countries.e bearers.
IPA Hong Kong is neither a staff association of Hong Kong Police, nor organization under the Police Sports and Arts Council. It is registered under the Society Ordinance in Hong Kong with the President, Secretary General and Treasurer as the office bearers.
The main purpose of the IPA is to promote friendship between the police officers of different countries. The main way we do this is by offering hospitality to overseas IPA members visiting Hong Kong. This takes many forms – assisting visitors with accommodation, inviting visitors for meals and drinks, accompanying them and assisting with sight-seeing and shopping, arranging visits to police stations or other police facilities, and so on. The other side of hospitality is making arrangements for our members who travel to other countries.
According to the IPA Constitution, the Executive Council (EC) is the managing authority to operate IPA Hong Kong Section. Apart from the office bears of President, Secretary General and Treasurer, other committee members assist the Section in organizing activities, receiving visitors, management of souvenirs and production of publicity materials. EC Meeting will be held on a regular basis.Involvement at International Level
Every year, delegates from sections attend the World Congress held by hosting section to discuss the affairs of IPA. Besides, a scholarship in name of the Founder Arthur Troop will be awarded to selected sections on yearly basis to support members attending training at the training institution at Gimborn, Germany and other IPA supported training courses.
Activities in Hong Kong
Of course, we also arrange activities for our members in Hong Kong. We normally hold Spring Reception around the Lunar New Year, Annual Dinner to follow the Annual General Meeting in June, and Christmas Party in December. Occasionally, we organize social functions and charity events to enhance the internal communications of local members and demonstrate social responsibility of Hong Kong Police.
Travel Assistance
In line with the IPA Motto “Service Through Friendship”, we encourage members visiting other countries and meeting with overseas membership for experience and cultural exchanges. Members can send a Travel Request Form via IPA Hong Kong to the Section of intended visit and request for advice on travel, accommodation, as well as visiting to police premises. Same protocol of hospitality also applies to overseas members visiting Hong Kong.
We rely on the membership fee to finance the operation of the section such as production of souvenirs for exchange and subsidy to members attending IPA local events. Subject to the financial situation and approval of the Executive Council, the section will also sponsor the expenses for members representing Hong Kong to attend conferences, seminars or other international events.
IPA Hong Kong will continue providing service to members to facilitate their visits and helping them to broaden their personal networking at International level. Besides, we will endeavor to take every opportunity to project positive image of Hong Kong Police to overseas members. Sharing session will also be arranged for different police units if foreign members visiting Hong Kong posses with expertise on specific profession and benefit to the Hong Kong Police.
Executive Committee Members (2024 - 2027)
TAM Man-hoi, Jack
LI Tsui-fan, Suki
LOK Shing-cheong, Lawrence
Executive Committee Member
CHEUNG Sing-yui, Eve
Executive Committee Member
CHAN Kan-wing, John
Executive Committee Member
CHAN Kim-ming, Stanley
Executive Committee Member
LEUNG Chi-tat
Executive Committee Member
LI Kit, Subba
Executive Committee Member
LEE Kit-see
Executive Committee Member
CHAN Chi-pui, Rico
- IPA HONG KONGOUR PURPOSE“ Service Through Friendship ”International Police Association Hong Kong Section
Honorary Presidents and Consultants
Permanent Honorary President
Mr. HO Ying Fu, Francis (何應富)
Honorary President
Mr. CHEUNG Ka Ho (張家豪)
Honorary President
Ms. LEUNG Ho Ki, June (梁賀琪)
Honorary President
Mr. CHEUNG Man-fai, Frankie(張文輝)
Honorary President
Mr. Herman HO(何樂)
Honorary President
Mr. LOK Tak-cheung(駱德祥)
Honorary President
Mr. SUN Hong-bin, Edmond(孫宏斌)
Honorary President
Ms. YU Judith(楊莉珊)
Honorary President
Mr. FU Chun-keung, Ken(傅鎮強)
Honorary President
Mr. YEUNG Cheuk-hing, Jacky(楊焯興)
Honorary President
Mr. CHAN Kwong-sang(陳廣生)
Honorary President
Mr. HO Kwok-kong, Jeff(何國光)
Honorary President
Mr. KWOK Ka-lok, Ken (郭家樂)
Honorary President
LEE Kin-fai, Jacky (李建輝)
Honorary President
Chow Hung Nin, Edwin (周鴻年)
Honorary Independent Auditor
Mr. CHUI Chi-yun, Robert (崔志仁)
Honorary Consultant
Mr. YIU Yeung-lung, James (姚仰龍)
Honorary Consultant
Mr. OR Chong-shing, Wilson(柯創盛)
Honorary Consultant
Mr. CHE Shu Fai, Eric (趙樹輝)
Honorary Consultant
Mr. WOO Wai-shing, Ray (胡偉成)
Honorary Consultant
Mr. FAN Xingchuan, Leo (范興川)
Mainland Affair Consultant
Honorary Consultant
Mr. XU Weidong (許偉東)